- In order to use CBDR for projections, the size must be less than 40 pips, and we must have a directional bias.
- The overall size of the standard deviations and the CBDR are the basis for determining how far the market can go in the opposite direction.
- Michael likes to use two standard deviations of this combined range and looks for what PD arrays correspond to these projections.
- These projections should not be used in isolation. They should always be combined with PD arrays.
Projecting Daily Highs & Lows - Ideal Sell And Buys Days
Projecting Daily Highs & Lows - Most Sell And Buys Days
Projecting Daily Highs & Lows - GBPUSD Daily Chart Example
Projecting Daily Highs & Lows - CBDR Projections Examples
Next lesson: ICT Mentorship Core Content - Month 8 - Intraday Profiles
Previous lesson: ICT Mentorship Core Content - Month 8 - Central Bank Dealers Range