ICT Mentorship Core Content - Month 10 - Index Futures - PM Trend


  • The time on the Barchart charts below is pushed back an hour, i.e. 8:30 on the chart corresponds to 9:30 NY time.
  • Lunch is generally from 12 PM to 1 PM, but it can start as early as 11 AM or as late as 2 PM, depending on the current market environment.
  • If the market is very active and fast during the AM session, then a short period of consolidation or retracement can be expected during lunch.
  • If the market is lethargic and slow during the AM session, then not much can be expected to happen during the lunch hour, or even from 11 AM to 2 PM.
  • The opening range will generally create the low/high of the day and the last hour will make the opposite end high/low of the day.

ICT Index Trading - The PM Trend

ICT Index Trading - The PM Trend - S&P 500 Example

ICT Index Trading - The PM Trend - S&P 500 Example

ICT Index Trading - The PM Trend - S&P 500 Example

ICT Index Trading - The PM Trend - Dow Jones 30 Example

ICT Index Trading - The PM Trend - Nasdaq 100 Example

ICT Index Trading - The PM Trend - Index SMT

Next lesson: ICT Mentorship Core Content - Month 10 - Index Futures - Projected Range & Objectives
Previous lesson: ICT Mentorship Core Content - Month 10 - Index Futures - AM Trend